A few months ago the notorious Martin Gonzalvez connected me with a game designed by Steven Aramini. It's a card-driven action-packed solitaire game set during WWII. You're a bomber crew trying to survive enemy encounters before bombing the target. Aircraft, WWII, solitaire game... this game was pretty much written for me. So I offered to help with the graphic design and level up Steven's already awesome prototype.
Now, after several weeks of design time, we're incredibly excited and finally ready to show off the PNP element of the project. So please find below the link to our GDrive files. Note that there are both Letter (for US printers) and A4 (rest of the world) file sizes, so choose wisely before printing them off. The original rulebook and quick reference guides are included as well. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments!
Thank you Steven for making this game and for the rest of you, it'll be wheels up at o'dark-thirty! Download the game here or find us on Boardgame Geek and leave us some feedback.
A while back , I was introduced to a free PNP game, called Unterseeboot. I found the files on BoardGameGeek and played a few games. As a long-time game designer and historian, I was immediately impressed with how the author blended speed-play, historical feel, and game mechanics to deliver a fun immersive game. I was also keenly aware of how the world needs good PNP games right now that you can play solitaire. So I reached out to the original author, Etienne, and asked if he would like to collaborate on updating the visuals and putting together a new edition of his free PNP game. He was keen and soon we were off to the races!
After a few weeks of editing, adjusting things here and there, and working with graphic elements, we're pleased to finally announce that we think it's done and ready for you all to have a look! We could really use your help playing the game a bit and if you have any feedback, please, please, please don't hesitate to post questions here or email me. I'd like to say thank you to the hobby groups for the supportive comments along the way and to Etienne Michot for being really amazing and kind to work with.
Download the game here or find us on Boardgame Geek and leave us some feedback!
I've got something completely different today. Something like 7 years ago, Sean Goodison and I started to work on a silly game called Caveman vs Mammoth. It was a sort of table-politics game about prehistoric survival. Over the years other projects have come up and the prototype never got anywhere beyond a few tests. Progress stalled a bit, but now seven years the wiser, Sean and I started talking about the old project again.
After some design jams and prototyping, we're keen to start getting some external feedback. If you'd like to have a play or a review of the rules, please feel free to have a look! We're very keen to get your impressions and feedback. So, if you're feeling adventurous, grab your pointy stick, head out to the prairie, and just follow the mammoth poo!
Adventure scenarios allow you to re-create your favorite Star Trek story arcs using the acclaimed Star Trek: CCG system by Decipher. This format will make some changes to that iconic game, helping to align gameplay with the storyline. These scenarios are meant to be played with a standard ST:CCG deck with the minimum possible disruption to the existing rules.
These documents will describe when and where normal gameplay will be altered, otherwise the standard rules apply. They will provide a context and an overall objective for your games, but it will still be up to you to build your deck how you see fit.
I've made two adventure scenarios so far, one based on the hunt for the ancient DNA program in the episode, The Chase, and the second one throws you into the Klingon Civil War featured in Redemption, Parts I & II.
A few months ago I randomly bought a bag of second-hand pieces from the classic boardgame, Battleship. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with them until last week when I thought about making a small version of Dreadnought. So after a fun weekend project putting it together, I can report back and show you how to make your own!
You'll need some ships. As I mentioned earlier, I used a set of Battleship pieces. You can usually pick up old battleship games from your local second-hand shop. These are fit for purpose, but you can also make your own if you're keen.