About Me
See also:
I've been designing games professionally for well over a decade, but I've been making games since I was in elementary school. My first published works were released in 2007 through Battlefront Miniatures and since then I have published dozens of rules supplement books, worked on licensed boardgames, wrote countless articles for hobby and website content, and more. I started Scary Biscuits Studios in 2010 to help motivate me to complete my many hobby projects and other creative projects. Over the years I've thoroughly enjoyed making games, creating deep engaging experiences, and interacting with the community.
In 2017 I was toying with the idea of making and releasing my own games. I've collected dozens of prototype ideas in my head and settings to match. However, it was my son who finally pushed me over the edge when he became interested in my WWI dreadnought game I started in 2003. Fast forward to today, with over 100 scratch-built ships covering over 50 years of naval history, hundreds of hours of graphic design, and a lot of research, I've relaunched Scary Biscuits Studios as an independent game studio. I've also started to lend my experience to help other game designers with editing, graphics, and more, which has been intensely exciting and satisfying to help lift other projects off the ground.
None of that would be possible if I hadn't had the encouragement of the fantastic games community to keep pressing on. So, I want to end by saying thanks for all of your continued support over the years. I can't think of a better main stay than the thriving, creative, and multi-faceted people of the wider gaming community. Thank you so much!

- Mike Haught